Foundations in BioMETRIC Integration (BMI) Vegas

Your dental treatments are altering the vertical, lateral or A/P position of your patient’s mandible and you know the need for quantifying the impact those changes are having on your patient’s craniofacial physiology. Fewer and fewer clinicians are willing to guess about their reconstructive, orthodontic or cosmetic patient’s craniofacial or stomatognathic health.
This seminar will teach the interpretation of 4 diagnostic aids for the stomatognathic system. Joint Vibration Analysis for the TMJ, Electromyography for the muscles of the head and neck, Jaw Tracking for 3D kinesiology studies and taking bite registrations and finally the T-Scan Novus for computerized occlusal case finishing. These aids can be used separately or integrated into a single system. They are taught in tandem to help highlight the interplay between TMJ, craniofacial muscles, jaw movement and position, and occlusion.
Ray also discusses, in great detail, the model for financially implementing bioresearch into your practice and the path towards a differential diagnosis.